Nator v1.1 ---------------------- changed all domain references to Nator v1.0 ---------------------- --better About page --domain list is stored online so it can be updated easily --main window is now resizable --added SMTP port configuration Nator v0.7 - 10/5/03 ---------------------- --moved search and replace to separate file --cleaned up About page --update checking is now optional --better error handling (writing to log) --added tooltips to everything --fully internationalized - ready to translate (any volunteers?) --uses version from the .jar file --fixed a bug where the last character on every line was chopped off Nator v0.6 - 9/14/2003 ---------------------- --better parsing of the HTML --added key to show the mail is checked by Nator Nator v0.5 - 9/11/2003 ---------------------- -will not send the same email more than once per checking session -status log console (doesn't say much yet) -fixed the .bat file -checks the entered fields before proceding --internationalized - anyone want to translate the program into another language for me? Nator v0.1 ---------------------- Initial release